Friday, December 3, 2010

Global Warmiing: What The government Isn't Telling You

Everyone Should Watch This Video.

Seems that whether it is nibiru (unlikely to put it mildly), or
an asteroid hit triggering a speed up of the crustal shift, 
we are in trouble. The Navy is telling its retiring officers
to move to high ground, in the Missouri Arkansas Ozarks.

The crustal shift (NOT magnetic pole switch) is already 
started by the way, according to Hapgood's second book,
which shows that displacement of the north pole marker. 
Seems that the southern tip of Greenland, will be the new 
home of the north pole when this is over.

The CIA has relocated its domestic operations 
(recruiting and interfacing with corporations) headquarters 
to Denver. I guess they figure that the Yellowstone 
supervolcano threat, and its subsequent ash dump, is 
less serious a threat than something that will cause the 
ocean's bulge at the equator to slosh, and take out 
everything up to 100 feet in elevation, whether on the 
Pacific or Atlantic.

Watch this video.

Someone online asked, "if they knew an asteroid was 
coming, would they tell us?" 

Personally, what I think is that although no known near
earth objects, or NEOs, are a danger for decades or even
a century, that is based on the known orbits of known

And it is also assuming that those orbits don't bring 
any of them near each other enough, to change the
orbit of any.

which would be a whole other ball game. 

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