Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Ability of the Black Budget crew to keep a secret

Those who buy the line that no ET or UFO or suchlike 
secrets could be kept without leaks, and that a 
conspiracy can't be kept quiet, should consider the 
following that refutes that. (Plus, the UFO scene is 
constantly having leaks that are dismissed as 
fraud, some are of course, and then ignored so it 
can be pretended that no leaks have ever occurred.)

From the Cryptogon site.

April 4th, 2010
And then there was Dan Vanderhorst, who “has been the lead pilot on seven classified aircraft to date.” In fact, according to his biography, “Vanderhorst has made his career in the cockpit of so many classified aircraft, there is not much that we can say about him, on the record,” and “his work has been outstanding and will probably never be recognized by the general public.” Although Vanderhorst was honored that evening, he wasn’t able to make it to his own party: He was “working at Edawrds AFB on a classified program.”
The silences, absences, and unsaid implications in these men’s biographies were like blank spots on maps. They were guides to the places where the public record ran out. The carefully constructed blank spots in Vanderhorst’s biography alone had remarkable implications. To build a single aircraft is a tremendous financial, industrial, and intellectual undertaking. Building an airplane means spending millions or billions of dollars with dedicated factories, test facilities, and countless workers from janitors to managers, pilots to machinists. Vanderhorst, one pilot, had flown seven. In the first instance, his biography spoke to the scale of the classified flight test industry. It pointed to a hidden geography of finance, research, development, engineering, manufacturing, and testing projects as complicated and industrialized as modern airplanes. Second, his biography spoke to the black world’s ability to keep a secret, about not only the physical but the social engineering that goes into building classified aircraft.
Given the number of personnel and the amount of money invested in developing an aircraft, the fact that there aren’t more credible leaks, more inadvertently declassified histories or photos, or more disgruntled ex-officers willing to spill the secrets out into the open means that the secrecy enveloping Vanderhorst’s biography is a remarkable feat of social engineering. Finally, this pilot’s biography says something about the dynamics of secrecy: If Vanderhorst alone piloted seven classified, manned aircraft, and if the three previously classified aircraft at the Gathering of Eagles represent the sum of the black aircraft that have made their way “into the blue” since the 1970s, then the declassified record represents an exception to the rule rather than the rule itself. HAVE BLUE, TACIT BLUE, and Bird of Prey are not unusual in that they were secret. They’re unusual because they are not secret anymore. Long after their retirement, most black airplanes stay black.

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