Sunday, October 6, 2019

Potentially hazardous genes mandated to be injected into every child

and its loaded with cancer causing genes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christine,

    just want to apologize because anonymice are lying again at cumbey.blogspot saying my posts are from you.

    seeing paul promoting Docetism mixed with his calvinist predestination determinism was pathetic but expected from that empty headed loudmouth. HOWEVER, when he pretended to acknowledge you correcting him, he did so in a blase and sneering way.

    to see that made my blood boil, especially as he and his psychophants, Ray B et al, are probably to blame for stopping you posting. I know you cant always reply there so I decided to expose their crap.

    they have the audacity to call you gnostic, new agey and whatnot yet craigs gnostic like confused notion about Jesus Christ's eternal position as the Word, the I AM, rayb's claims saying the flesh was totally destroyed, along with pauls quip that all flesh is corrupt and then resorting to a "heavenly flesh" theory show just how heretical and NEW AGEY THEY ARE! Ray B. does seem to be Dan Bryan, its even anagrammatic = Dann Ray B.

    then all the BULLSHIT and stuff they wrote slandering me and you too. I hope youre alright.

    Hugs, Sandra.
