Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dugin not the big deal with Putin

Some people have noticed that Alexander Dugin has 
some influence on Putin. Dugin is a "National Bolshevist," 
a weird philosophy involving perennialism, nazism, and 
mysticism but got kicked out of the Russian version of the 
party or left it I forget. This is part of the Third Position idea
which often has neopagan and satanist overtones. But 
maybe Dugin isn't that big of an issue after all. This article 
shows how we don't understand what is in front of us, and 
what is really going on in Putin's head. Some links in it are 
interesting to read also. As usual, I link to an article that 
combines in one easy place all I've found out elsewhere 
and few new things, and do not thereby endorse anything 
else the writer or the publisher says.

"While Dugin is not irrelevant, his star at the Kremlin actually 
faded a decade ago, though he gets some Kremlin attention 
because his father was a GRU general. Far more important 
to divining Putin’s worldview, however, is Ivan Ilyin, a 
Russian political and religious thinker who fled the Bolsheviks 
and died an emigre in Switzerland in 1953. In exile, Ilyin 
espoused ethnic-religious neo-traditionalism, amidst much 
talk about a unique “Russian soul.” Germanely, he believed 
that Russia would recover from the Bolshevik nightmare and 
rediscover itself, first spiritually then politically, thereby saving 
the world.

Putin’s admiration for Ilyin is unconcealed: he has mentioned 
him in several major speeches and he had his body 
repatriated and buried at the famous Donskoy monastery 
with fanfare in 2005; Putin personally paid for a new 
headstone. Yet despite the fact that even Kremlin outlets 
note the importance of Ilyin to Putin’s worldview, not many 
Westerners have noticed."

Dugin's interest in the Russian Orthodox Church is typical of
those who treat it as a rallying point for an ethnic or national
identity, his philosophy is actually rather different from it. 

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