Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Architecture and Gnosticism

Constance Cumbey posted the link to the pdf, at

the comments section of her excellent blog, and
I find the article fascinating, Architecture and Theosophy: An Introduction. This
blog post is going to be my reactions to it.

" the danger of van Doesburg’s excessive devotion to modernity; to interpreting every technological
dvance as a spiritual leap forward."
that jumped off the page at the top before I got to reading anything else. the idea that technological 
advance means spiritual advance, well, what kind of spiritual "advance" in what direction are we 
talking about?

war has always jump started technology.

As someone put it, the most technologically advanced country on earth in the 1930s-1940s was 
Nazi Germany.

"they sought to elevate their architectural philosophies beyond rank functionalism"

yeah, if its functional and helps man or animal it is lowwww. right? wrong. but that's how they think. 
Even the Holy Temple of YHWH was functional - it provided varying degrees of access and 
functions relating to that. 

but functional is so.....materialistic. Remember the core concept of all the gnostic heresies? the 
unworthiness and evil of mere physical matter and that God couldn't have created THAT stuff. 

push this far enough and you have radical depopulation, only keep enough alive to serve the 
interests of the gnostic or neo gnostic elite till they can figure out how to live without normal 
human functionality, and they can kill even those remaining off. Transhumanism, anyone?

" it [supposedly recapturing ancient Egyptian and Chaldean read Babylonian architecture] 
renewed an ideal of beauty vested in forces beyond the mundane, in a sacred ideal of Nature."

the irony of this, is that Nature in reality is very functional, and all the designs in nature 
even down to fractals, are very functional. The typical Beaver dam and lodge and muskrat
lodge is very functional and no transcendent philosophical nonsense, just the best design
for what works, the tendency to do this encoded into their genetics by YHWH.

one of the architechts designed this thing, one
of those odd cantilevered things probably a huge floor plan with inadequate number of 
actual rooms inside, and altogether too much glass - wouldn't survive a hurricane well and
would be a nightmare to keep properly warm in winter.

This book No Place For God: The Denial of the Transcendent in Modern Church
Architecture discusses this.

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