has a New Age sound to it. Notice its statement about giving "direction to the educated Muslim populace in its increasing interest in the establishment of Islam as a practical system of rule."
"I received this email from a friend who has contacts in Israel." Though this phrasing could
come from someone inside the community addressed, the moslem community, especially its
"educated" part, this phrasing could also be from someone outside that community. I originally
got this information from a post at http://cumbey.blogspot.com one of the best research sites
about the New Age, especially its social and political side.
http://www.guidinghelper.com/ This claims to be supporting the Maliki school of shariah,
and it is primarily north african in location of most followers now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharia mentions it. A http://www.whois.com lookup shows
it is registered to an organization out of Egypt called FatimaMohammed and contact info incl.
email faithlady2002@yahoo.com which seems rather interesting in itself.
Whether this has any play in ISIS is unclear, but while its rules don't allow rape of captives
until designated as slaves at which point a man is free to have sex with his slaves, this does
go far to encourage people to join any violent movement to install a Caliphate.
Feb. 26, AD 2006 is the date on the article:
" "Sheikh Ismail Nawahda, preaching to Moslem masses on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Friday, has brought it out into the open: the call to restore the Moslem Khalifate, or, "Genuine Islamic Rule."
A plan for the "Return of the Khalifate" was published secretly in 2002 by a group called "The Guiding Helper Foundation." The group explained that it wished to "give direction to the educated Muslim populace in its increasing interest in the establishment of Islam as a practical system of rule."
This past Friday, Feb. 24, however, the plan went public. Sheikh Nawahda called publicly for the renewal of the Islamic Khalifate, which would "unite all the Moslems in the world against the infidels."
The Khalifate system features a leader, known as a Khalif, who heads worldwide Islam. Assisted by a ten-man council, his decisions are totally binding on all Moslems.
According to the Foundation's vision of the Khalifate, significant punishment can only be meted out for 14 crimes, including "accusing a chaste person of fornication," "not performing the formal prayer," and "not fasting during Ramadan."
The Foundation recommends working to restore the Moslem dictatorship using a system of small groups around the world. The purpose is so that the "enemies of Islam" who "will definitely try to stop us" will have a "much harder task, if not impossible, if they are faced with a myriad of small groups of differing locations, ethnicities," etc. This method also "ensures that if one group... is found and cut off, other similar groups will remain undetected."
Sheikh Nawahda reminded his Temple Mount audience that the first step taken by Muhammed in stabilizing his rule was to form the nucleus of the first Islamic country in the city of Medina. Nawahda also said that the status of Moslems around the world has dropped drastically ever since the collapse of the last Khalifate in 1924, after Turkey became a democratic republic.
Nawahda called upon the Arabs of the Palestinian Authority to rise above their personal and party interests, and said that Moslems must return to Islam and join forces in the struggle against the West. He praised the worldwide protests against the anti-Muhammed cartoons, and encouraged the Moslem public to continue such activities. He implied that those who insulted Muhammed are liable for death. The Sheikh designated the Moslem masses as a strong point that can be utilized in the fight against the West." " http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/99210