Nibiru, according to an online translation, means eunuch, it was a servant
created by some Sumerian deity for another lesser deity.
Zechariah Sitchin is a total fraud. Michael Heiser
and show all this. Sitchin's game
like that of Velikovsky, is to write off all Biblical miracles of the disastrous sort
as strictly natural phenomena. Velikovsky makes excellent points regarding
chronology, but waxes absurd when he claims that terrified observers
misinterpreted the groanings of a volcano as "no adultery" and "no murder" and
so forth.
On is some alleged translation of Russian examination of a
captured Nazi who had been on some trek to Tibet or of some of his writing,
I forget which, which claims all kinds of things incl. a brown dwarf on a
3600 year orbit. This is not the sort of thing you can get from Tibet, but
it IS among the bits of information Maria Orsic & associates presented as
channelled automatic writing info (in Sumerian no less) to the Thule,
Vril and Black Sun societies in between the world wars.
the following is in Russian, with English subtitles.
So with all this as a dubious bunch of original sources, what are we looking
at here?
First, Sitchin probably has connections as bad as freemasonic if not worse,
and vectored through the freemasons most likely. (Allegedly they are to
discuss anything but religion and politics, its in their rules. In practice they
apparently discuss nothing else, aside from business, and their wisdom
lectures and initiations are full of religion and politics.)
What would be the motive of the Aldebarans in giving technology info
of a free energy sort to proto Nazi occultists? Though it is argued they
thought the disparity this would correct, lead to wars this would
prevent, it is more likely that (aside from the demonic angle, and even
incl. this) it is a scenario more along the line of the movie SPECIES,
in which information is sent, the purpose of which is to destroy us.
The Aldebaran information then, should be examined with a view to
three things. firstly, it might work, but get people focussed on the
senders and their probably unbiblical theology. Second, it might be
a typical dead end that doesn't work, like the plans to make a flying
saucers, supposedly given to some contactees by aliens in the US
and maybe elsewhere, and they don't work. Third, it might work,
but contain dangerous elements, whether of a destructive sort,
either inclined to blow up or easily weaponizeable, or of the sort
where a human has to be part of the circuit preferably as an
antenna, which would facilitate infiltration of the human mind
and soul.
Even if the Aldebarans were strictly flesh and blood, and there is
no reason a strong sender type telepath couldn't use automatic
writing and channelling to communicate, this wouldn't rule out evil
intent, and demonic involvement if they were themselves involved
with such entities.
Certainly the very means of communication, automatic writing
and channelling, are inherently evil because they violate a boundary
and make a person into an automaton at least partly.
This style of communication is never even hinted at, in The Bible
where it writes of God speaking to prophets.
The very style of communication itself, when present, rules out
God in particular, and anything good in general, as the origin
of the communication.
Another possibility, is all of the above AND the Aldebarans
were in fact humans on earth pretending to be from elsewhere for
whatever nefarious purposes.
So we can write Nibiru Planet X Brown Dwarf inbound as garbage.....
or can we?
None of this information changes the fact, as detailed by John R. Moore
in "Global Warming: What The Government Isn't Telling You" and
others, that the elites and governments here and elsewhere have been
busily building survival bunkers and doing the Alternative 2 thing
for decades, and generally acting like they expect something damn
serious is going to happen.
Now, it could be they were taken in by people with money to make by
building for them, who sold them on this crap.
But then there are the peculiarities connected with reports from
Richard Harrington (suddenly died of esophegeal cancer, maybe
polonium poisoning?) and IRAS and South Polar Telescope of
something peculiar.
The Harrington research pointed to something perturbing Uranus
and Neptune pulling them DOWNWARDS, and that it was on an
orbit tilted at about 30 degrees to the ecliptic.
That doesn't mean this necessarily swings in close enough to be a
gravitational problem, but it MIGHT come close enough to fire up
the sun somewhat as per Electric Universe theory, and it definitely
could divert asteroids in our direction.
It might only be that the powers that be are expecting WW III and
have been all along, and some of them planning it.
Of course, if you are prepared for nibiru you are prepared for WW III,
and both nibiru and WW III as depopulation measures are not
something the elites would want you to be prepared for.
so all I can say is, keep prepping. All nibiru is going to do is bombard
us with asteroids and trigger (or the asteroid impacts could trigger)
massive earthquakes and tsunamis, and exactly this is a worry
regarding the Canary Islands El Hierro and Cumbre Vieja and the
New Madrid Fault and asteroids.
The fact still remains, that right now, with all those deep underground
military (and civilian) bunkers, you have the scenario in place and
ready to go, described in Revelation chapter 6, in the disaster that
displaces all islands and mountains, right after the fourth horseman,
during which all sorts of people hide in caves and call for the
rocks to cover them and hide them. Rev. 6:12-17.
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